Why Vet Claims Are Denied Fail
There are many reason why.
First - this is the 76th year of existance for Dept of Veteran Affairs.
I thank congress for not shutting down, elimating the department.
It is a good idea, established on good policied.
There are good staff each Office of the VA, (bless the few)
Veterans go places which have poor sanitation and battlefield
contamination and have contact with endemic third world diseases.
Unfortunately it has turned into a huge Bureaucracy which
poorly communicates with individual departments, such as
VA - office of Environmental Agents, Office of Public Affairs
VHA - Office of Research & Development
VBA - Adjuticators of Regional offices
questions a vet should ask him/herself -- Did I ??
1. you have a poorly trained Vet Agent submitting your CLAIM
2. You did not go back to request all your Inpatient and Out patient records
from Civilian, Military and VA facilities
3. You failed to collect Buddy Letters to speak about your illness/disease
has changed you from your normal self. Or document when you illness/disease began.
4. You are not going to VAMC to see primary care or specialist at least four times a year.
5. You did not WRITE your state and federal representive, requesting help.
6. You did not WRITE you local media,
Always write/fax your requests - phone call are forgotten !
You must appoint someone else to help you when your
too sick to speak for yourself on bad days.
Power of Attorney to do a single task help
you communicate with the VA. Anybody you trust.
This can be hand written note - yet must be notorized.
7. You have not been seen at VA appointments without a buddy- this
can be a memeber of your church, distant relative or spouse.
When staff see the other person and appear to get better care
than the single vet alone.
If you want your CLAIM increased it is up to YOU
to demand in writing and follow up montly.
The squeaky wheel get the grease.
Venusval Hammack
First - this is the 76th year of existance for Dept of Veteran Affairs.
I thank congress for not shutting down, elimating the department.
It is a good idea, established on good policied.
There are good staff each Office of the VA, (bless the few)
Veterans go places which have poor sanitation and battlefield
contamination and have contact with endemic third world diseases.
Unfortunately it has turned into a huge Bureaucracy which
poorly communicates with individual departments, such as
VA - office of Environmental Agents, Office of Public Affairs
VHA - Office of Research & Development
VBA - Adjuticators of Regional offices
questions a vet should ask him/herself -- Did I ??
1. you have a poorly trained Vet Agent submitting your CLAIM
2. You did not go back to request all your Inpatient and Out patient records
from Civilian, Military and VA facilities
3. You failed to collect Buddy Letters to speak about your illness/disease
has changed you from your normal self. Or document when you illness/disease began.
4. You are not going to VAMC to see primary care or specialist at least four times a year.
5. You did not WRITE your state and federal representive, requesting help.
6. You did not WRITE you local media,
Always write/fax your requests - phone call are forgotten !
You must appoint someone else to help you when your
too sick to speak for yourself on bad days.
Power of Attorney to do a single task help
you communicate with the VA. Anybody you trust.
This can be hand written note - yet must be notorized.
7. You have not been seen at VA appointments without a buddy- this
can be a memeber of your church, distant relative or spouse.
When staff see the other person and appear to get better care
than the single vet alone.
If you want your CLAIM increased it is up to YOU
to demand in writing and follow up montly.
The squeaky wheel get the grease.
Venusval Hammack
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