Monday, May 10, 2010

A Desert Storm Battle Buddy

I have been 20 years, yet I still remember and grateful to my battle buddy. He took great pride in his MOS- military occupation speciality (CHEM CORPS). Mike was a professional NCO. We were the same rank - he watched my back and would not tolerate unprofessional behavior toward me from male servicemen (CENTCOM). There were many occasions I had to travel alone and at night. When ever possible Mike would accompany me. I salute him, said Venus H.

Paula Shnurr is a research professor of psychiatry. She did a study of therapy for female vets with PTSD for the Veterans Administration. Shnurr said: "When you are sexually assaulted by people who are your comrades, PTSD can be worse than in
other circumstances. You feel incompetent and helpless, like children feel when abused by the very people who are supposed to look after them. The people you depend on have attacked you."

Though Professor Benedict believes virtually everybody is being harassed in the military, by no means does this mean every woman is being assaulted. Most are not. There are many male soldiers who are good, dependable people. These are the ones that treat women soldiers like their sisters just as they treat their male comrades as brothers. Soldiers in arms to them means siblings in arms.



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