Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Peake Secy VA and Gulf War Investigator

Will General Lt. Gen. James B. Peake work for veterans Now ??
It appears that he worked closely in the past with
Bernard Rostker, special assistant to the secretary of defense
for Gulf War (OSAGWI). This office in many of its reports said,
it is not likely that ANY exposures were of a level to make
veterans sick. Is this really the Seceratary gulf veterans need ?
I am discouraged by the report below :

Wounded US Soldiers 'Treated Like Dogs,'
Wait Months for Proper Treatment in Appalling Conditions

20-Feb-04 Military

Combat soldiers wounded in Iraq are being subjected to abysmal treatment,
a situation the Bush administration continues to brush off by promising
to do better in the future. Adding insult to injury, Bush appointee Army
Surgeon General Lt. Gen. James B. Peake told the House panel
that he "was not aware" that last fall soldiers were waiting for
medical care at U.S. bases and under substandard living conditions.
One officer summed up the woundeds' care:, "They're being treated like dogs."

Last summer, hundreds of National Guard and Army Reserve soldiers at
Fort Stewart in GA who had served in Iraq waited weeks or months in
"medical hold" to be seen by doctors in hot concrete barracks with no
air-conditioning or running water."

The U.S. Army Surgeon General, Lt. General James B. Peake issued a
memorandum dated April 29, 2004 that depleted uranium bioassays will
be administered to all individuals with Level 1 and Level 2 exposures and
that bioassays would be provided upon request for all Level 3 exposures.
(SECDEF 3/30/03: Policy for the Operation Iraqi Freedom
Depleted uranium(DU)Medical Management: http://www.deploymentlink.osd.mil/du_library/pdfs/policy_oif_053003.pdf )


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