Benefits for Retired Gulf War Veterans
There can be no more excuses for not passing full Concurrent Receipt
of Military Retired Pay!"
What I'm referring to is a law that since 2004 allows military
retirees with 20 or more years of service and a Veterans Affairs
rated disability of 50% or higher to receive their VA Disability
Compensation and their retired pay without any offsetting
deductions. Prior to that 2004 law all military retirees had their
military retired pay reduced by any amount of disability
compensation they received.
What the we has been fighting for is for any disabled
military retiree, regardless of the percentage of disability
awarded should be treated in the same manner as those in
the 50% to 100% disability range.
------------- Please Write to these Offices
VA - Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans
Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of Policy and Planning (008A1)
810 Vermont Ave, Washington, DC 20420
202-461-5758 Lelia P. Jackson,
Policy Analyst ,
Shannon L. Middleton at the Department of Veterans Affairs,
VA - Advisory Committee on Women Veterans(00W),
810 Vermont Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20420.
Ms. Middleton may be contacted either by phone at (202) 461-6193,
fax at (202) 273-7092, or e-mail at
of Military Retired Pay!"
What I'm referring to is a law that since 2004 allows military
retirees with 20 or more years of service and a Veterans Affairs
rated disability of 50% or higher to receive their VA Disability
Compensation and their retired pay without any offsetting
deductions. Prior to that 2004 law all military retirees had their
military retired pay reduced by any amount of disability
compensation they received.
What the we has been fighting for is for any disabled
military retiree, regardless of the percentage of disability
awarded should be treated in the same manner as those in
the 50% to 100% disability range.
------------- Please Write to these Offices
VA - Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans
Department of Veterans Affairs
Office of Policy and Planning (008A1)
810 Vermont Ave, Washington, DC 20420
202-461-5758 Lelia P. Jackson,
Policy Analyst ,
Shannon L. Middleton at the Department of Veterans Affairs,
VA - Advisory Committee on Women Veterans(00W),
810 Vermont Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20420.
Ms. Middleton may be contacted either by phone at (202) 461-6193,
fax at (202) 273-7092, or e-mail at