Saturday, May 29, 2010

Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial

Transcending conflicts, service branches and generations, the American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial will express America's lasting gratitude to the men and women whose lives were forever changed in service to our country.

National statistics show that there are more than three million living disabled veterans, including thousands who have returned from the current operations and desert storm.

The Disabled Veterans for LIFE Memorial Foundation was created to educate the public on the issues related to disabled veterans. The Foundation needs to first rally the public by recognizing and honoring veterans in a public forum in order to bring public awareness to the needs of our disabled veterans.

To my brother and sisters in Arms we salute YOU:
Operation Desert Calm / Desert Farewell

Operation DESERT STRIKE I and II
Operation DESERT FOX I and II
Operation Just Cause
Operation Urgent Fury
Operation Desert Focus
Operation Desert Falcon

Operation Desert Spring
Operation Northern and Southern Watch
Operation Desert Strike

Venus Hammack/Army/NCO/disabled veteran

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

VA-GW Veteran Illness TaskForce comments

This was your chance to put in your own suggestions for improvements to Gulf War Veterans Care and Gulf War Illness! at this forum on line at
I am upset that the VA did this task force report and yet has not mailed out the Gulf War Information newsletter to inform all the veterans of this task force report and a method to really get all gulf war veterans involved by a total mail out to all 700,000 deployed in 1990-91.

They did not even notify the veterans by placement of posters at VA Clinics or Hospitals or at VA regional offices. This is a sorry mechanism to show outreach by relying on a website or an announcement on the Federal Registry. How many veterans knew of this process or have access to a computer or internet?

How many VSOs notified the gulf war veterans they knew? How many special mailings were made by VSOs or announcements on their websites? Or notices at VSO posts or in post newsletters.

How many TV stations gave coverage? How many radio talk shows? How many local newspapers or even major city newspapers covered this request for input to the VA Task Force Report?

Did The VA even try by fully activating their massive Public Affairs ability? How about DOD did they do anything to get the word out?

Another failure by the VA to communicate with gulf war veterans. Another failure to truly outreach to the Gulf War Veterans of 1990-91 who have suffered for 20 years and countless gulf war veterans have died and their families have no way to input to suggestions for improvement!

Countless Veterans from the gulf war 1990-91 have auto immune disorders, ALS, MS, Cancers, undiagnosed illnesses, cardiovascular, renal, lung, bowel, reproductive disorders, endocrine, neurological problems, blood disorders, early alzthemiers symptoms, neurological cognitive disorders and are still awaiting acknowledgement from their own government.

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Monday, May 10, 2010

A Desert Storm Battle Buddy

I have been 20 years, yet I still remember and grateful to my battle buddy. He took great pride in his MOS- military occupation speciality (CHEM CORPS). Mike was a professional NCO. We were the same rank - he watched my back and would not tolerate unprofessional behavior toward me from male servicemen (CENTCOM). There were many occasions I had to travel alone and at night. When ever possible Mike would accompany me. I salute him, said Venus H.

Paula Shnurr is a research professor of psychiatry. She did a study of therapy for female vets with PTSD for the Veterans Administration. Shnurr said: "When you are sexually assaulted by people who are your comrades, PTSD can be worse than in
other circumstances. You feel incompetent and helpless, like children feel when abused by the very people who are supposed to look after them. The people you depend on have attacked you."

Though Professor Benedict believes virtually everybody is being harassed in the military, by no means does this mean every woman is being assaulted. Most are not. There are many male soldiers who are good, dependable people. These are the ones that treat women soldiers like their sisters just as they treat their male comrades as brothers. Soldiers in arms to them means siblings in arms.
