Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gulf War Illness or Fibromyalgia

When I first had fibromyalgia (FM), my doctors and I were very concerned.
I went from being a fit woman who us servicewoman, ate right, exercised regularly, and had a great life with many friends and a close family.
Suddenly I was terribly ill with cribble pain. My primary Care (VA) phyician couldn’t understand what was wrong, nor could several other local specialists.

Finally I was diagnosed at the Dr Daniel Clawu, Georgetown Univ MD. (rheumatologist)
I had no idea that FM could be so debilitating. I have found nothing for the crushing fatigue. FM is very real. Gulf War Veterans illness is Real.
Add Brain fog, brain fog, brain fog and IBS.

People who suffer from fibromyalgia experience problems beyond the pain caused by their illness. Their condition is little understood and hard to explain, and often they are disbelieved by doctors. Even friends and loved ones may express skepticism toward the fibromyalgia sufferer, who, burdened with inexplicable pain, may cancel social plans, miss work and recoil from physical affection because it hurts too much.



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