Gulf War Illness: The Future for Dissatisfied Veterans
July 27, 2010, 10:00 AM Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Gulf War Illness: The Future for Dissatisfied Veterans
Room 334 Cannon House Office Building
GW Veterans and supporters:
Well, here we go again. What is promised in the past has little to do with reality.
The full HVAC was supposed to step in on the Gulf War hearing. Now its back to being held by the subcommittee again that had canceled two times before.
Guess what? Same damn line up as before Pro government hearing with certain vets missing from that lineup Why? Because the handful of opportunist in our ranks are trying to help rig the hearing. Same three groups speaking for GW vets, who attend meetings Yet fail to report the GW vets what was presented, in a timely manner. When too much time has pasted for GW vets/supporters outside of Washington, D.C. to submit input or comments.
This will let VA off the hook, make DOD look good, give the IOM charte blanc, and keep the same tired faces at the front doing the same tired mistakes they have made the last 10 years. That goes for the half ass advocates who helped get UT Southwesterns funding that lead to the collapse of the research crowd. More of the same? I warned them in 2005, and no one listened.
The whole thing has gotten so old. Month after month of stalling until VA can finally get its pro-psychiatric program in place. The (VA-GWVI) Task Force that was supposed to help us instead produced a ghastly document that was a step back 14 years. Now that same task force wants to do things same as before until the public comments said it wasn't working. However, after talking with them they took what was 250 pages of public comments and distilled it to 100.
Anecdotal comments? Yes, there were allot of those. But, there were good ones too. That will be published right before the hearing in July as will the GWVIS reports. If its published at all.
What is missing is all that visibility we heard about. The GWVITF works in secret, with no website or way to follow that they do. That happened before when they produced that pro-government document. We are to trust that to set policy when it does so in a really sneaky way. This mirrors the DHWG program and methods for the past 10 years.
None of this is going well. None of this should be trusted. A small handful of people are trying to make policy that the rest of us should have a say in. Yet, as in the past we are in the dark. Some promise on Obama's behalf of the most transparent government in history. This regime is even more secretive than the last.
The hearing in July is yet another farce, and should not be trusted. What is missing from the hearing are those dissatisfied veterans that are a part of this like me. If KL is not requested there, then this it to let the ACGWV -VBA - and others off the hook that KL tangled with much of 2008 and 2009 while on a federal committee. The GWVIS report would not be changing if KL had not called attention to it and it took 4months to even get that on the books with VA and my committee, subcommittee, and so on.
You watch, the people who know me well and a long time have seen my prediction rates. For real change to happen you have to do something different, and we have too many people here who are one trick ponies.
Veterans for Common Sense
National Gulf War Resource Center
Veterans for Modern Warfare
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
Desert Storm Battle Registry
(ACGWV) means VA-Advisory Committe on Gulf War Veterans
(GHWG) Deployment Health Working Group
said Jagmedic
Gulf War Illness: The Future for Dissatisfied Veterans
Room 334 Cannon House Office Building
GW Veterans and supporters:
Well, here we go again. What is promised in the past has little to do with reality.
The full HVAC was supposed to step in on the Gulf War hearing. Now its back to being held by the subcommittee again that had canceled two times before.
Guess what? Same damn line up as before Pro government hearing with certain vets missing from that lineup Why? Because the handful of opportunist in our ranks are trying to help rig the hearing. Same three groups speaking for GW vets, who attend meetings Yet fail to report the GW vets what was presented, in a timely manner. When too much time has pasted for GW vets/supporters outside of Washington, D.C. to submit input or comments.
This will let VA off the hook, make DOD look good, give the IOM charte blanc, and keep the same tired faces at the front doing the same tired mistakes they have made the last 10 years. That goes for the half ass advocates who helped get UT Southwesterns funding that lead to the collapse of the research crowd. More of the same? I warned them in 2005, and no one listened.
The whole thing has gotten so old. Month after month of stalling until VA can finally get its pro-psychiatric program in place. The (VA-GWVI) Task Force that was supposed to help us instead produced a ghastly document that was a step back 14 years. Now that same task force wants to do things same as before until the public comments said it wasn't working. However, after talking with them they took what was 250 pages of public comments and distilled it to 100.
Anecdotal comments? Yes, there were allot of those. But, there were good ones too. That will be published right before the hearing in July as will the GWVIS reports. If its published at all.
What is missing is all that visibility we heard about. The GWVITF works in secret, with no website or way to follow that they do. That happened before when they produced that pro-government document. We are to trust that to set policy when it does so in a really sneaky way. This mirrors the DHWG program and methods for the past 10 years.
None of this is going well. None of this should be trusted. A small handful of people are trying to make policy that the rest of us should have a say in. Yet, as in the past we are in the dark. Some promise on Obama's behalf of the most transparent government in history. This regime is even more secretive than the last.
The hearing in July is yet another farce, and should not be trusted. What is missing from the hearing are those dissatisfied veterans that are a part of this like me. If KL is not requested there, then this it to let the ACGWV -VBA - and others off the hook that KL tangled with much of 2008 and 2009 while on a federal committee. The GWVIS report would not be changing if KL had not called attention to it and it took 4months to even get that on the books with VA and my committee, subcommittee, and so on.
You watch, the people who know me well and a long time have seen my prediction rates. For real change to happen you have to do something different, and we have too many people here who are one trick ponies.
Veterans for Common Sense
National Gulf War Resource Center
Veterans for Modern Warfare
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America
Desert Storm Battle Registry
(ACGWV) means VA-Advisory Committe on Gulf War Veterans
(GHWG) Deployment Health Working Group
said Jagmedic
Labels: Gulf War Illness: Future Dissatisfied Veterans hearing, VA hearings gulf war veterans house
You lost me at the end. I'm slow in my old age. Are you saying those groups are yes men. I.E. NGWRC. I'm only asking. So how you been doing, Good I hope. Long time no see.
Mike Roley
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